Also, from park to park, you can travel offline anywhere in the USA and view highly detailed maps covering the entirety of your route. Touch and hold a point on the Apple Map view then simply drag your finger along your planned travels to install maps for offline use.
NP Maps offers National Park Service maps and USGS maps of the entire USA for offline GPS use on your iPhone and iPad. All maps download at maximum resolution and render on your device for offline use. Includes a powerful search that will zero in on literally any named geography feature known in the world. Place waypoints, plan routes and record tracks in GPX format. The NP Maps family of apps utilized the latest capablilities of IOS and hardware technology of todays mobile devices.
From your device web browser, download extra map sets in the .zip and .tnez file formats. For Topo Nomad apps, you can install the National Park Maps footprint overlays that are from the NP Maps app.
It is recommended to download maps via a WiFi source before traveling so not to encounter roaming or data service limitations. Many park and Wilderness regions will not have data service available. All iPod devices and the iPad models without cellular data do not have GPS location capabilities. NPS and topography maps are not preinstalled because such a feature requires terabytes of storage.
Email: - National Park Service - U.S. Geological Survey - Parks Canada
NP Maps ©2015-2021 Delcartes LLC all rights reserved.